IV.a. Appropriate Appearance and Dress

Approved by:
Board of Trustees




Revised Date:





The library staff’s appearance and manner are a representation of the library system to the public. Staff in public service and administrative personnel will be dressed in business casual attire.  Staff members whose job requires special clothing will dress as required for their job.

All staff members should be dressed in neat, clean clothing.  T-shirts and sweatshirts with non-library related graphics are not allowed. Athletic clothing, revealing clothing, and unkempt clothing is not considered appropriate attire. All staff should avoid any shoes that could cause a safety issue. Tattoos that are vulgar, obscene, or intentionally offensive must be covered. Good personal hygiene is expected.

Employees who do not dress appropriately will be counseled on an individual basis and may be sent home on leave/unpaid time to change into appropriate attire.

If a staff member needs medical accommodation concerning the dress code, a doctor’s note should be provided to Human Resources.  The library director may authorize special dress days to promote library or community programs.













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